Pre Laminated interior Particle Boards

Pre Laminated interior Particle Boards

Particle board is a wood-based material that is made by compressing wood chips with the help of glue. The wood chips in the surface layer are thinner than those in the middle layer, so the surface of the particle board is denser and more compact than the middle.

Particle boards are versatile and one can use it in numerous ways at home. It can be used in floors, fittings and fixtures, as a base for parquet floors, as a base material for covering strips, furniture and much more. The most exciting part about particle boards is that they can be used for a lot of DIY projects as they are available easily and are inexpensive. So if you love doing up your home on your own, then particle board should be your go to option.


low in cost compared to other products like MDF, solid wood, and plywood.   |   Easy to clean and maintain   |   It can be easily drilled, cut, milled, painted, glued, etcetera.   |   They do not come with natural defects like solid wood.
Available sizes (In ft) - 9x6, 8x6, 9x3, 8x4, 8x3, 6x4, 6x3, 6x3.5, 6x2.5
Available thickness (In mm) - 9mm, 11mm, 12mm, 15mm, 17mm, 18mm, 25mm